Euroma Group at I+E Indutriemesse

From January 30th to February 1st Euroma Group will be exhibitor of the I + E Industriemesse Schwarzwald in Friburg, Hall 3, Stand N103.

The fair takes place every two years and is the largest in South-Western Germany regarding not only electronics and electrical engineering, but also metalworking and automotive.

“At the Industriemesse in Friburg – declared the President of Euroma Group, Valerio Veronesi – hundreds of exhibitors meet to discuss important topics such as the technological perspectives of the sector, the access to the global market and the new business models. There are high-level conferences and for Euroma Group it is an opportunity to present our products, to speed up the future “.

The main sectors of the event are Electrical Engineering, Automation, Metalworking, Mechanical Engineering, Plastics Technology and Industrial Services, presented in three halls with an exhibition area of ​​6.000 square meters.




5 Dec 2018

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